Our cancellation policy - Ciela Village

Our cancellation policy

We have relaxed our booking terms and conditions for all stays booked for the 2022 season.

You can cancel or amend your stay up to 1 day before your arrival due to a COVID-19 related reason*. You will be offered either refund or a voucher for the amount paid valid for 18 months from the date of issue, less administrative and insurance costs.

These provisions are in addition to our current General Terms and Conditions of Sale. 

* The campsite has to close its doors, your place of residence is under confinement, closing of borders due to COVID-19, one of your party has COVID-19 at the time of departure

** within the limit of the number of accommodations available at the time of cancellation

The campsite offers a Cancellation and Interruption Insurance as an optional extra, through its partner MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE. 8/14 avenue des Frères Lumière 94368 Bry-sur-Marne Cedex